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UN chief hails success in poverty alleviation

Pub Date:2021-03-10 09:06 Source:China Daily

Abuluoha village, China's last village without a road, is connected to the outside world with its new road in Butuo county, Sichuan province as seen in June, 2020. [Photo/XINHUA]

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has congratulated China on its success in eliminating extreme poverty in rural areas, and he said the notable accomplishment is a significant contribution to realizing a better and more prosperous world as envisioned by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

In a letter to President Xi Jinping made public on Tuesday, Guterres extended his sincere congratulations to Xi and the Chinese government on the country's successful efforts in the fight against absolute poverty.

"I commend you for your vision and leadership," he wrote.

The UN chief added that at a time of great suffering brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, this extraordinary result is a reason for hope and inspiration for the entire community of nations.

"It shows the importance of political commitment at all levels of government and policy stability to improve the conditions of the poorest and most vulnerable. It also underscores the opportunity of development models that are innovation-driven, green, open and which work to deliver for all," Guterres wrote.

"We must all continue to work tirelessly to ensure inclusive development for all and to bridge income and social inequality everywhere, while meeting our goals under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change."

Guterres said he is confident that China will continue to make progress in its efforts to leave no one behind under continued commitment to inclusive development.

The letter came after Xi announced last month that China had won the battle against extreme poverty in rural areas nationwide.


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