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Leaks reveal yet more US hypocrisy

Pub Date:2023-05-10 08:46 Source:China Daily

The recent leak of highly classified Pentagon documents is still a matter of public concern. Although US President Joe Biden and many senior officials have spoken out to dilute the incident’s importance, claiming the leak "will not cause serious consequences," but as more leaked documents appear in the media, the hypocrisy of the United States is coming to light.

The leak has exposed the US' unscrupulous efforts to collect intelligence around the world, and confirms the United States has been massively involved in the Ukrainecrisis. After the conflict broke out, the US claimed NATO has not been directly involved. However, leaked documents revealed NATOhas deployedover 150 military personneltoUkraine, nearly 100 of them from the US. NATO not only sends huge sums of money to arm Ukraine, but is also training and even directly commanding its troops.

But that is only the tip of the iceberg. According to the leaked documents, the US not only monitors the communications of so-called "hostile countries", but also allies such as South Korea, Israel and Ukraine. It has even intercepted private conversations between UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterresand other UN officials. The US has repeatedly and baselessly alleged other countries of doing the very thing it does on a massive scale.

This latest incident is not the first time classified documents have made their way into the public eye. Sadly, no matter how many times these leaks have revealed the true nature of the “leader of the free world”, American politicians cannot and will not stop with these nefarious practices.

Editor:Li Ruichuan

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