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Job market abuzz with activity since Spring Festival holiday

Pub Date:2022-02-18 15:06 Source:China Daily

The job market in China was abuzz with activity in the week following the seven-day Lunar New Year holiday that ended on Feb 6, according to a survey released by online recruiting platform Zhaopin.

An average of 11 people applied for each job posted by 7.76 million enterprises on the platform last week, almost double the number of applicants in the same period last year, the survey showed.

"We've seen changes both in job seekers and employers since last year, influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world since 2020," said Pete Chia, vice-president of professional recruitment in China at Adecco Group, a human resources consultancy based in Switzerland.

"For example, digital transformation drove the development of domestic enterprises in 2021, recovering from layoffs and pay cuts in 2020," he said. "Individuals have been sharpening their professional skills as well. These aspects have in turn helped form a new employment environment."

Chia highlighted the significance of government support to key industries and innovators, which "spurred the growth of enterprises and signs of recovery in the recruitment market from the disruption posed by the pandemic".

"In addition, graduates in 2020 who suspended their career development or opted to further their study in the past two years are active job seekers now," he added.

According to the survey, the internet, e-commerce and computing science sectors saw the greatest number of new hires after the holiday, accounting for nearly 20 percent of the total.

The number of jobs offered was highest in the logistics industry, with a year-on-year surge of 66.7 percent, followed by jobs in the computer industry (up 36.8 percent) and the hotel and catering sector (up 23.1 percent).

Data showed that finance and information technology companies still offer the best pay. The average wage in the fund and investment industry was 13,497 yuan ($2,124) a month, topping the industry list. The salaries of employees in the online games, IT services and computing science industries followed.

The survey also showed that artificial intelligence talent is still in high demand, with related jobs commanding monthly salaries averaging 21,985 yuan.

"The widespread application of AI in various fields, especially in medical care, new energy and intelligent manufacturing, has accelerated a large market demand for professionals," Chia said.

He said a decent salary is not just a number, but should meet the needs of both employers and employees.

"Salary is linked to the requirements of enterprises and people's career development expectations," Chia said. "Enterprises are endeavoring to match better qualified employees with more soft skills, such as fast learning, adaptability and strategic views, to roles, alongside specific skills and work experience, which are still the essential recruitment standards.

"It should be kept in mind that we are facing a job market with standards that won't be lowered, and candidates should develop their skills to stay competitive."


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