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Kid cracks scam call claiming dad owes $7 million

Pub Date:2021-04-01 09:13 Source:Global Times

A 10-year-old in Huainan, East China's Anhui Province, saw through a scam call after the fraudster said his father was in debt to the tune of 50 million yuan ($7.6 million), which he believed sounded "impossible" given his father's financial situation, reported Hongxing News on Tuesday. 

The boy received the call while he was alone at home and immediately reported it to the police after he suspected it to be a fraud.

He told police that the caller first said his grandfather had been in a car accident and that his father owed them 50 million yuan. 

"That just doesn't sound like my dad, as I know he won't have that much money," he said in a video that the police filmed with a body camera. 

The child's calm and confident tone gained the video more than 5,000 comments on Sina Weibo. "Good for you, kid, but sorry to see you so assured about your dad's 'financial condition,'" one netizen joked. 

The primary school student said the anti-fraud education at school also helped him to identify the scam and respond to the case quickly and rationally. 

The police later contacted the parents and praised the kid for his alertness. The case is under investigation.


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