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Tongcheng carries out railway safety knowledge propaganda activities in campus

Pub Date:22-03-25 11:08 Source:english.anhuinews.com

Recently, young volunteers from Hefei Department of China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. came to a kindergarten in Tongcheng,Anhui Province,to carry out a series of railway safety knowledge propaganda and education activities with the teachers and students.

During the activity,the young volunteers popularized railway safety knowledge to the children present through the forms of "knowledge popularization","quick questions and quick answers","interactive performance" and "group photo",enhancing the awareness of the children to love the railway and protect it,creating the good atmosphere.

"Railway safety is a matter of national artery of transportation flow,and related to the healthy growth of children.Through this activity,we want to make sure the children learn more knowledge of railway safety,self-protection skills, and aware the importance of railway safety, so as to jointly safeguard transportation environment of the railway."Young volunteer Zhang Liang said.

Editor:Xinyu Jiang

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