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Anhui's NPC deputies left for Beijing to attend Two Sessions

Pub Date:21-03-03 15:12 Source:cnanhui.org

On March 3, Anhui's delegation of National People's Congress (NPC) deputies left for Beijing from Hefei to attend the Fourth Annual Session of the 13th National People's Congress. During the upcoming "Two Sessions", the deputies will offer their suggestions based on their experience in Anhui to help promtote the development of China in the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. [Photo by Peng Yini]

On March 3, Anhui's delegation of National People's Congress (NPC) deputies left for Beijing from Hefei to attend the Fourth Annual Session of the 13th National People's Congress. During the upcoming "Two Sessions", the deputies will offer their suggestions based on their experience in Anhui to help promote the development of China in the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan. [Photo by Peng Yini]

Editor:Fanxi Feng

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