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Let's talk: The 'Chinese overcapacity' fallacy

Pub Date:24-05-19 11:06 Source:Xinhua

China has been accused of "overcapacity" in its new energy product exports, raising the question of how to differentiate market competition from dumping in global trade. During a recent interview with Xinhua, specialists discussed the use of the "Chinese overcapacity" narrative as a political tool by certain Western countries, primarily the United States.


-- China EV makers might have some competitive advantage in this area, and this is in line with some basic economic priciples.

-- Almost everything that China produces is for a global market, including EVs.

-- Chinese manufacturing capacity for EVs meets the demand of global consumers and contributes to global efforts to tackle climate change.

--Washington doesn't like the fact that China has become a global competitor.


Supervisors: Liu Hongde, He Xianfeng

Reporters: You Zhixin, Li Haiwei, Zhao Yihe

Editors: Tao Yiping, Wang Jingyun, Mao Yuyang(Intern)

Editor:Zheng Chen

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