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Foreign students fascinated by technological feats at Beijing's high-tech hub

Pub Date:2024-04-15 09:44 Source:China Daily

Over 30 international students from 16 countries visited Beijing's high-tech hub Zhongguancun Software Park, gaining a better understanding of the thriving development of innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises in China.

The study tour, initiated by the China International Youth Exchange Center (CIYEC), was arranged to help these students get a better grasp of the latest technological trends and business models in China and spark their innovative spirit and practical skills, thereby establishing a firm foundation for their future career endeavors.

On March 29, the students began their visit at the park's digital exhibition hall. There, they delved into its nearly 20-year developmental journey, witnessing its consistent expansion fueled by its ability to attract and foster new enterprises. Today, it proudly stands as the home of over 3,800 companies.

The students also toured the China International College Students' "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Exhibition Hall, which displays innovative projects in securing investment to realize their commercial potential.

Drawing from entrepreneurial endeavors made by Tsinghua University students, this has blossomed into DeepLang AI by 2022. In the burgeoning era of AI, the company is devoted to building an industrial-level Chinese information processing engine using a self-developed large-scale model. Its valuation has swiftly grown to $100 million.

The third stop on the tour, Tencent Beijing headquarters, provides international students with a comprehensive insight into the tech giant's diverse business operations. From smart manufacturing to autonomous driving, students from around the world witnessed the multifaceted aspects of the company's expansive business development.

David Osei Opoku, a computer science major at Tsinghua, said, "It's intriguing to learn that Tencent's business extends beyond WeChat, covering domains such as gaming and cloud storage." He added, "I am inspired to incorporate these insights into my own research."

Dechen Tshomo, an AI major at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, said the activity has strongly inspired her to pursue career opportunities in China. She said, "I now feel more attuned to the demands and trends in the AI field. As someone deeply passionate about AI, it's a tremendous privilege for me to participate in this type of event."

Guo Jianfei, vice-president of Kr Star, a subsidiary of 36 Kr Holdings Inc, a Chinese platform dedicated to serving startup ecosystems, also attended the event. He advised international students interested in working in China to stay abreast of industry dynamics and actively engage in internships.

The study tour is the second phase of the International Youth Salon organized by CIYEC.

It provides a platform for communication and mutual learning for young people from China and abroad by hosting themed activities regularly. The salon aims to promote cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign youths, and cultivate the cross-cultural communication abilities and global competence of young talents.

Editor:Zheng Chen

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