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Xi extends condolences to Pakistani president over suicide bomb attack

Pub Date:2023-08-02 09:00 Source:Xinhua

BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday sent a message of condolence to Pakistani President Arif Alvi over the deadly suicide bomb attack that hit a gathering in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

In his message, Xi said that he was shocked to learn of the suicide bomb attack which caused heavy casualties.

On behalf of the Chinese government and people, Xi mourned deeply for the fatal victims and conveyed sincere sympathies to the bereaved families and those injured.

Xi stressed that China opposes all forms of terrorism, and strongly condemns the attack.

He also pledged that China will continue to firmly support Pakistan in promoting its national anti-terrorism action plan and jointly safeguard peace and security in the region and the world.

On the same day, Chinese Premier Li Qiang also extended condolences to Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif over the attack.

Editor:Wang Xirui

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