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Xi takes part in annual Chinese New Year gathering with non-CPC members

Pub Date:2022-01-30 08:02 Source:Xinhua

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Saturday took part in an annual gathering with non-CPC members ahead of the Spring Festival, or the Chinese New Year.

Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, extended his greetings on behalf of the CPC Central Committee to people from non-CPC political parties, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), persons without party affiliation and members of the united front.

The Spring Festival falls on Feb. 1 this year.

The year 2021 was of milestone significance, Xi said. He noted that China has accomplished a number of major and important tasks, overcome many risks and challenges, and prompted significant progress in the endeavors of the Party and the country.

China has responded to a pandemic and other changes unseen in a century with calmness and confidence, and managed to begin the 14th Five-Year Plan period with a good start, Xi said.

"We have consistently implemented routine COVID-19 prevention and control measures, and actively participated in international cooperation against the pandemic," Xi said, adding that China has remained a leading country in both pandemic control and economic development.

The year also saw China regulate the order of its socialist market economy, promote core socialist values, and create a positive, healthy and vital development environment, Xi noted.

He also hailed 2021 as a fruitful year for China's multiparty cooperation.

He stressed that the 20th CPC National Congress will be convened this year. It is an event of great political significance for both the Party and the country. All fields of work should be planned and conducted with an eye on the preparation for and convocation of the congress, Xi said.

Efforts should be made to uphold and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC, maintain the correct political orientation and strengthen guidance work, Xi said.

Noting that non-CPC political parties and the ACFIC will complete their leadership changes at the central and provincial levels this year, Xi called on them to pass on older generations' political conviction, moral integrity and close bonds with the CPC, and ensure that the cause of the CPC-led multiparty cooperation will be carried forward.

Xi emphasized that non-CPC political parties should center on the goals and principles of their development as parties participating in state affairs, and continue to enhance their political understanding as well as their capabilities to take part in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.

The ACFIC should strive to elevate its capabilities to facilitate the healthy development of the non-public sector and assist those working in the sector to achieve success.


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