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New site of Natural History Museum of China to open in 2029

Pub Date:2024-11-18 09:29 Source:Xinhua

BEIJING, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- The new Beijing venue of the Natural History Museum of China is scheduled to start trial operation in October 2029.

China's only national and comprehensive natural history museum announced on Sunday that it has received government approval for the construction project proposal of its new site along the south of Beijing's central axis.

The museum conserves, researches, collects, interprets and exhibits natural objects as well as the natural heritage of historical, scientific and artistic values.

Its current site, with a floor area of about 23,000 square meters, receives about 1.8 million visitors annually. Due to its capacity, it is often difficult to book a ticket, particularly during the summer holidays.

Its new site, which will take about five years to build, will have a floor area of more than 193,800 square meters. It is expected to host 5 to 7 million visitors annually.

The museum said that at the new venue, it will host more diverse science education activities to help stimulate interest in natural sciences among children and young students.

Editor:Zheng Chen

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