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Anhui Plans Cultural-Tourism Integration Circle, Wuwangdun Tomb Park Planned as 4A Attraction

Pub Date:2024-05-20 10:58 Source:english.anhuinews.com

Recently, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Anhui Province issued the "Planning for the Integration Development Circle of Culture and Tourism in Northern Anhui (2023-2027)", which proposes to build the Wuwangdun tomb Archaeological Site Park in Huainan into a 4A-level featured tourist attraction.

The Wuwangdun tomb is located in Sanhe Town, Tianjia'an District, Huainan City, and is the largest, highest-level, and most complex tomb of the ancient Chu state that has been scientifically excavated so far. Experts believe that the tomb owner is most likely King Kaolie of Chu from the Warring States period. In 2022, the Wuwangdun tomb was selected as one of the first provincial-level archaeological site parks in Anhui.

According to the "Planning", Huainan City will build cultural pavilions such as the Huainan Museum, Huainan Cultural Arts Center, Anhui Chu Culture Museum, and Chunshengli Cultural and Tourism Leisure Street. It will also create key festivals such as the "Chu-style Shouchun City" in Shouxian County. At the same time, based on Chu-Han culture, it will actively develop related study tour courses.

Currently, Huainan City is actively promoting the planning and construction of the Wuwangdun Tomb Archaeological Site Park, and has formulated the "Protection and Management Plan for the Wuwangdun Tomb (2023-2035)" and the "Planning for the Wuwangdun Tomb Archaeological Site Park (2023-2035)" to sustainably promote the protection, management, and development of the Wuwangdun tomb. Meanwhile, the city has established the Huainan Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute and is planning to set up a Wuwangdun Tomb Site Park Operation and Management Co., Ltd.

Source: Anhui Daily

Editor:Zheng Chen

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