近日,合肥马拉松暨全国半程马拉松锦标赛(第六站)在骆岗公园鸣枪开跑,3万名选手参与此次赛事。来自合肥友城的俄罗斯下诺夫哥罗德市和韩国原州市的多名选手参与本次比赛,其中,来自俄罗斯的Pavel Ratoshniuk取得了男子组全程第五名的成绩。 Recently, the Hefei Marathon and National Half-Marathon Championship (6th stop) started at Luogang Park, with 30000 athletes participating in the event. Several athletes from Hefei's sister cities—Nizhny Novgorod in Russia and Wonju in South Korea—participated in this competition, among whom Pavel Ratoshniuk from Russia achieved fifth place in the men's category.