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Anhui Province Tops National Rankings in Car Exports for 2024

Pub Date:25-01-16 10:27 Source:eng

On January 15, during a press conference held by the Anhui Provincial Government's Information Office regarding the province’s foreign trade situation in 2024, reporters learned that Anhui's total import and export value in goods reached 864.85 billion RMB, surpassing 860 billion for the first time and setting a historical record. In 2024, Anhui ranked ninth in the country for total import and export value, and first in central China, achieving its best results to date.

This year, the province's product structure improved significantly. Anhui's exports of electromechanical products reached 407.91 billion RMB, up 13.9%, accounting for 70.4% of total exports. Among these, car exports totaled 954,000 units, ranking first in the nation with a growth of 30.8%, their value was 96.14 billion RMB, a 34.5% increase, contributing 43.5% to Anhui's export growth. Exports of the "New Trio"—electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products—totaled 49.01 billion RMB, growing by 23.6%. Exports of laptops, electrical equipment, and household appliances were 45.44 billion RMB, 38.67 billion RMB, and 34.12 billion RMB, respectively, increasing by 22.1%, 1.6%, and 14.6%.

In 2024, the number of enterprises with import and export performance in Anhui reached 13,299, an increase of 1,195 from 2023. Among these, private enterprises accounted for 448.1 billion RMB in imports and exports, up 5.3%, making up 51.8% of the total; state-owned enterprises reached 211.1 billion RMB, up 2.5% and accounting for 24.4%; and foreign-invested enterprises totaled 205.59 billion RMB, increasing by 18.4% and representing 23.8%.

In 2024, the number of global trade partners also expanded. Anhui's trade increased with 132 countries and regions worldwide. The province's trade with Belt and Road Initiative countries reached 463.26 billion RMB, growing by 6.3%, accounting for 53.6%; and trade with other RCEP member countries totaled 208.54 billion RMB, up 3.5%, accounting for 24.1%. During the same period, trade with the top three partners—EU, ASEAN, and the United States—was 114.69 billion RMB, 102.29 billion RMB, and 96.71 billion RMB, respectively, growing by 8.1%, 7.9%, and 5.7%. Trade with Latin America and Africa was 139.33 billion RMB and 41.7 billion RMB, respectively, increasing by 12.1% and 8.5%.

Source: Hefei Evening News

Editor:Zheng Chen

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