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Anhui's Actual Outbound Investment Ranks First in Central China in the First 11 Months of 2024

Pub Date:24-12-20 16:32 Source:eng

In recent years, in the face of a complex and changing international environment, Anhui's outbound direct investment has maintained a stable growth trend, demonstrating strong resilience and vitality. Reporters learned from the Anhui Provincial Department of Commerce that in the first 11 months of this year, the province's actual outbound investment reached $2.42 billion, an increase of 14.6%, ranking 8th nationwide and 1st in Central China, with a growth rate 3.4 percentage points higher than the national average.

Anhui enterprises have been "going global," with significant contributions from large projects and leading companies. Notable performers include Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd., Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., and Anhui Joyson Safety Systems Co., Ltd. In the first 11 months, the actual outbound investment from Anhui's manufacturing sector accounted for 42.5%, with investments covering 100 countries and regions worldwide. Anhui enterprises have established 569 overseas companies in countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, with actual investments totaling $5.17 billion, accounting for 27.9% of the total.

Anhui enterprises are actively allocating resources globally and participating in international industrial division of labor and cooperation, effectively enhancing Anhui's position and influence in the global industrial and supply chains. As of the end of October, a total of 720 enterprises have invested in establishing 1,225 overseas companies, with private enterprises accounting for 95.6% of the total number of enterprises and 92.8% of the overseas establishments.

Source: Anhui Daily

Editor:Zheng Chen

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